Demystified ERP

Our presentation kicked off with Master of Research student, Olu Okunade’s presentation of his research entitled ‘Demystified ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)’. It aims to enable a one size-fit-all collaboration between virtual and office based teams using a web-based visualisation.


His questions are to answer what the most suitable visualisation tool is, and what can be used to fit both desktop and mobile users.


Okunade doing his presentation


“VA tools are application specific,” Okunade stated. “It requires interaction which can be used to reduce search space in visual exploration.”


He continued by explaining that the current challenges facing ERP system are reporting capability, budgeting capability, and systems integration capability. This is especially true as more businesses are working remotely.


The tasks of his methodology are to do a focus group survey, explore VA tools and tets, and finally develop the web/mobile app.

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